Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rhine River

Yesterday we went down to the Rhine River. We had heard that there was a lovely little riverwalk, so we went investigatin. Unfortunately, on the way there was a play ground, and I like to play. The problem is that playgrounds aren't made for Caroline sized people, and my pants weren't made for playing. I survived the playing apparati (plural of apparatus ?) that seemed like a death trap like the spring horse and the half-pipe like thing. But the teeter-totter, it seemed so innocent, but upon trying to stand on the teeter-totter my pants ripped. It was rather unfortunate. We did continue the walk, and the Rhine was rather pretty. It was fun to see all of the boats and barges, there was even a ferry bringing some cars accross the river.

Class yesterday was really nifty, not because the grammar of the was new and fascinating, but because I got to know one of the Afgahni women in my class better. We sat at the same table and we started talking. Her name is Homa and she is a German Studies major who has technically graduated from her schoolin Afghanistan but after they graduate they come to the Goethe Institute for practice using the language because apparently they don't do much with actual usage when they are learning. We both shared pictures of our family with each other and we mad a great team in a class competition. She told me at the end of the class that I had initially intimidated her (I've never heard that before), but now she thinks that I am nice.
Last night we went to a gym and played soccer. It was a blast. I was the only girl that played, and needless to say I wasn't very good, especially compared to all the guys that only ever play soccer, but it was a good time nonetheless.

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