Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Distinctly Deutsch

I have been in Germany for a week and a half now and while I have been here I have been taking notice of things that seem to be specific to Germany. Here are the top ten things that I have found to be, distinctly Deutsch.

1. In Germany there doesn't seem to be much parking, granted not everyone has a car because the public transportation system is often much faster and more efficient. But when people do park they parallel park. In the states, we park along the side of streets. In Germany, they park on the sidewalk.

2. I keep running into doors while I am here. Not because they are invisible or I am blind, but rather I am used to doors having a bar to push and a handle to pull. In Germany, every door has a handle on both sides so I never know whether to push or pull.

3. In the United States when we go grocery shopping at the checkout there is someone waiting to put our goods into a bag. In Germany you have to bag your own groceries, and bring your own bags unless you want to pay ten cents per bag that you use.

4. Outdoor cafes in Europe are very common. Peopple love to sit outside and drink a cup of coffee and chat with friends. Normally, winter weather would put a damper on this kind of leisure activity. In Germany, they just set blankets out and umbrellas up so you can continue drinking outside in the cold wet weather.

5. In restaurants in the United States turnover is a big deal. They want you in and out as fast as possible so that they can seat more customers and make more money. This doesn't seem to be the mindset in Germany. Every time we have gone out to a sitdown restaurant it has been 45 minutes to an hour after our plates have been cleared before we were able to get the check.

6. French Fries are a very common dish in Germany. Now, you may be thinking, Caroline, French Fries are definitely not Germany, they areFrench. But when you eat them with mayonaisse they are one of Germany's favorites.

7. When people think about Germany, one of the first images that pops into their heads is often beer. And for good reason; it is often cheaper to get a beer to drink than to order water because they only serve bottled water and it is really expensive.

8. The weather in Germany leaves something to be desired. Every day is grey and rainy, seeing the sun is a special event. In German snow is Schnee, and rain is Regen. We came up with a name for the nasty mix of the two that has been falling for the past couple of days. We call it Schnegen.

9. When I first got to the Goethe Institute I was given a binder that I could use to keep all of my papers in. I can't keep my notebook in it though because Germany only has two ring binders and their paper has four holes in it.

10. Castles are the thing that I think most exemplifies Germany. From where I live in bad Godesberg I can see three castles. Not lets build this to create a tourist trap, but actual castles. It is absolutely awesome.

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