Thursday, July 9, 2009

(L)Esch in Deutschland

This past week was an especially happy time here in Germany. My dear friend, Whitney Lesch, and I were reunited in the land of our ancestors. She arrived on teh fourth of July and we spent a glorious five days together. Here is a quick summary.

On the fourth after finally making it to Germany, Lesch and I went back to Tuebingen where I made her drag her suitcase around while I gave her a tour, slash went shopping down in the town for groceries for our later grill extravaganza. We finally came back to the room and Lesch got to put her suitcase down. But we were quickly off to meet some of the other Americans for a fourth of July celebration. And what could be better than that then grilling in the german woods, not much in my opinion.

The next day we both slept until about eleven in the morning. But it was some much needed rest for both of us. When we were finally aroused from our slumber by our growling stomaches we woke up and went to Stuttgart for a fun day in the city. We saw the palace, opera house, and main shopping area before heading to the zoo. Lesch the zoo expert claims that the animals are more active in Germany than in zoos in the states. I would believe her, she's been to lots of zoos.

Monday was our "let's take a hike through the german wilderness" day. We spent six hours wandering in the forrest behind my building searching for a rather elusive beer garden. Unfortunately, we never found the garden, but we did find Jesus in a German field.

I had to go to class starting on Tuesday so I am not sure what Lesch did. But she did meet up with me after class and I introduced her to the wonderous world of doener. We came back up to my room and chilled before going over to Erin's for some glorious chocolate pancakes. THen we went down to the Blaue Salon to hang out with Pia for a while.

Wednesday, I once again had class in the morning, but after I returned Lesch and I went down to the city for a tasty lunch at the Wurstkueche. The waitress remembered me from last week when I was there with Katie Burlingame. It was great. After lunch we went and rented a rowboat on the Neckar. I rowed upstream while Lesch guided the boat downstream. She did try to row upstream at one point in time, but we were still heading downstream despite her efforts.

This morning my friend left me, it was sad. But I am pretty doggone lucky to have a friend that will come across the ocean to see me in the first place.

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